Recurrent Neural Network
$h_t = f(x_t, h_{t-1})$
Unrolled RNN
Capture short term information
RNN 逐个处理输入向量
将输入和先前隐藏状态组合成向量,向量经过激活函数 tanh之后,输出的是新的隐藏状态或网络记忆
Tanh active function
Vector transfer without Tanh active function
Vector transfer with Tanh active function
Sigmoid active function
As that gap grows, RNNs become unable to learn to connect the information
Forget Gate
Input Gate
Cell State
Output Gate
Cell State
Forget Gate
Input Gate and Condidate Layer
Cell State Update
Output Gate
Add peepholes connection to all gates
Use coupled forget and input gates
Gated Recurrent Unit: Combines the forget and input gates into a single “update gate.”
Vanilla RNN